Logistics & Transport
Logistics & Transport
The transport Industry is the lifeline of every country in the world. The growth in this very important sector is proportional to the growth in population as far as public transport and private cars on the road. As for heavy vehicles and machinery, the growth is also tied in with the growth of M population, real estate, and infrastructure development. The demand for drivers both light and heavy is constant especially as more projects are on the cards.
- Light Drivers
- Automobile Mechanics
- Heavy Drivers
- Service Technicians
- Crane Operators
- Maintenance Technicians
- Forklift Operators
- Tyre Changers
- Shovel Operators
- Helpers
- Backhoe Operators
- Excavator Operators
- Bus Drivers
- Auto Electricians
- Bobcat Operators
- Motor Bike Couriers
- Sea port vehicle Drivers
- Automobile Engineers
- Airport Vehicle Drivers
- Auto Painters
- Truck Drivers
- Road Roller Operators
- Hydraulic Technicians
- Cement Mixer Drivers
- Bobcat Operators
- Trailer Drivers
- Operators
- Pickup Crane Drivers